"POWER NATION" slant six build

Was it turbocharged? Supercharged, or fed NOS?


Why not?

That is the ONLY way to get significant power out of a slant six....

These guys make their living doing this...
How can they completely MISS the ONLY way to get significant power out of this engine???


I tell you what, for being a 'slant' guy, you have talked trash on that motor more than any other Mopar guy I've ever seen. Has it ever occurred to you that the people making 'only' 300 horse have successfully increased their power by more than double? Please, find me someone who has a 250+ horse slant and doesn't absolutely love it. Now that I'm aware of what 'significant' power is, I'll inform guys with 550 horse 340s that they ain't got squat.

just maybe these "tenneesee Hollywood" TV car show guys, just maybe they would have NO desire to build and dyno a turbo slant!?????? ever think of that!??? LOL do they really have a desire to show the slants real potential??? NOW if some co. built a bolt on turbo setup for the slant...... then maybe????????

That's my bet. They build n/a Chebby and Furd v8's. The slant was a step out of the box anyways, why take a running leap in the direction against what you've had success with? Yeah, they may be bumbling idiots, but they get the views doing what they do. I'd hate to know the price of a legitimate bolt on turbo kit for a slant.

I believe the SuperCharger Store has a bolt on set up for the Slant. Maybe?

I believe you're correct. I also believe it's somewhere in the ballpark of 5k. It ain't a real popular kit that I know of, and I can see why.