2nd try? On the cheap friendly comp?

318willrun, 540valiant, do not be bothered by the crying baby. He is just doing what he thinks is his job.

Mucking up the thread.
Trying to turn the thread into a baby screaming pissing match
Proving to the world he has a big (key board) dick

The title under his name is "Grand Insitgator"
He is trying to prove it and will not quit under any pressure, reasoning etc...

He has and will continue to twist the words within this thread
He will continue to lie
He will continue to poke and prod
He will continue to show how much of a jerk he can be even though all who read the thread through can see he is just being the very thing he tries to blow off as nothing.

Who is 451cuda?

Well, he is the "GRAND INSTIGATOR!!!!"

Watch home as he carries on bally-whoing his whinny post of complaints and mud throwing antics! See him cry a river of foul and tears! He will go as far as he can, till death of need be. With fury he types away at the key board! Or until the powers that be closed the thread and the fun competition gets thrown into a dizzing spin and has such a hard time taking of, it folds and never happens.

Which is probably he double secret goal. To screw everything up until total and complete ruin!

The (cough cough) man (child) should be ignored by all.
Do not reply to 451cuda. Because if you do, you just as fuel to the fire
Remember, he is not even joining in on this fun idea.