2nd try? On the cheap friendly comp?

AVI, thanks man! Your awesome. The thread is getting long and I'm forgetting....

On a personal note, to anyone that thinks my pantyies may be getting in a not, not true at all. Perhaps the tone you read the list in needs adjusting. Because it isn't me. I'm good.
The only 2 FABO members that are causing any problems are;

451Cuda. He needs to read & understand the entire thread.

Hersbird; is not even competing but likes to throw in 2 cents to stir the pot. He has had posts deleted before and he is back starting in on this thread again.

My apologies for there short comings as adults but I didn't raise these trogs.
This make it frustrating.
We so far have 47 members wanting to do this, 1 that can not get one rule and constantly complains about it, 1 FABO member not competing but stirs the pot.

Oh stop! I'm not causing any problems. I could just as easily say you are the biggest problem here if you read your responses. You go from acting all cool about everything to 100% off the walls with the slightest thing you disagree with.
I have had posts deleted? Awesome, I spent 11 years in the Navy defending the country so I can have an opinion deleted on some webboard about 30 year old Mopars. I guarantee whatever post that was was well within any guidelines of polite society. I don't know what your problem is with me, I'm a father of 2 girls, married 26 years to the same woman, and a decon at my church. I razz my pastor more then anyone on this board for Pete's sake.