Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sounds like a good time. Wish I was going. First cup down. I have to prep for the next storm, 5-7 predicted and cold. I also have to pull my favorite car out of a pile of snow. It slid down from the ramp into the garage into a pile of plowed snow. Really pissed me off it was parked! I am convinced it is someone that came back and is haunting me. This house was a funeral home in the 1840's!

Good morning all. Got up late and missed most of "engine power" on Spike..FRIG. I look fwd to that on Sundays.
Not much snow here at all. This is my 1st winter here so I didnt know what to expect, but considering Im on the south shores of Lake Huron the weather hasnt been too bad.

Hops, WOW an old funeral home?? Thats cool but spooky. Lori would not have anything to do with that. I bet the spirits are having fun with ya and the car! I would end up turning into one of those nerds with all the recording equipment and stuff.
Enjoy the swap meet and yer day all!