Question? Steering Colunm

I drove the car that way for a good while, and was that way when I sold it. Just curious, what is the harm or damage of doing it that way?? I got this tip from a mopar guy that makes his living selling parts. Worked fine for me.... so what is the catch of not doing it this way?

I've never taken this route so I don't know how much engagement/overlap remains after 3 inches is pulled out. I imagine it would develop looseness or lost motion in the overlap eventually. how long is anyone's guess.
There are no forces present ( That I am aware of ) that would cause the inner shaft to climb but if there were... there is nothing more than a 1/16 diameter pin and a bottle cap holding the box coupling together. A climbing shaft theoretically could pull that coupling apart. Result is sudden and total lose of steering control. Lets hope Murphy's Law doesn't apply.