Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback
If there are such things as karma and reincarnation I must have been one evil s.o.b. in a previous life. I probably pulled the wings off of flies and kicked puppy dogs. Maybe I was the kind of child that gave wedgies and nuggies to those kids that wore the coke bottled eyeglasses. Maybe I toilet papered the neighborhood houses. There must be a logical explanation for why these problems refuse to go away.
The day started out OK. I had managed to track down the second '67 Barracuda front blinker that I'd promised hotrodvince. I'd even found a pair of decent '69 Charger hoods for a guy out of Lincoln, Nebraska.
I decided to drive the Roadrunner on the 30 mile round trip to pick up the window top stop that I needed. I hadn't gone more than 5 miles out of town with the car since I'd managed to get the fuel injection system re-assembled. I figured this would be a good opportunity to test the car again. As on the previous tests, it fired up and ran great. I drove to pick up the part with no issues. - The trip home didn't go so well.
It didn't die on me but it ran like crap. It kept feeling as if I was running out of gas. Whenever I tried to accelerate normally the car would not respond. I watched the ECU display and could see that I was maintaining 73 psi fuel pressure, the temperature was steady at 190', battery was showing 13.3 volts, etc... If I increased gas pedal pressure super slowly the car would increase speed and run fine at steady speeds. - But it didn't want to accelerate otherwise.
I don't understand how or why the behavior changed so dramatically. I guess I'll install the top stop in the window, button up the door panels and try troubleshooting the fuel/ignition system again. I'll have to look for any indication that something has physically changed first.
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