damn door

It sounds to me like theres something wrong with the locking part of the mech.When that link rod moves down to the lock position it actually puts the other two rods in neutral. That is to say, no amount of abuse will allow the latches to open the door.
You may have to shine a lite in there and operate the lock rod manually to learn/understand how it works. You may also have to find a tool to operate the lever manually.
I highly recommend that you remove the front seat(s) for this, because its not readily apparent and you may have to study it for a bit. IIRC,you cannot operate that mech, no how, until that little locking lever is moved to the unlock position.It could also be that the lock mech is worn out, somehow, but I doubt that
-Once that lock lever is disengaged, if it still wont open with the handles, it can be opened from inside the door with an appropriate tool, such as a long bladed screwdriver.
-I also have a very vague recollection of a slot in the center of the gearshaft, that can be screwdriver rotated, once the lock-lever is out. Very vague. You know, kinda like the trunk latch has a slot inside. Very vague on that.
- But I do know its absolutely possible to open that latch from inside the door, so long as its not somehow fubarred. Good hunting.
-Man-o-man, I have got to learn to type faster.Goodonya