2009+ 5.7 Hemi Eagle

Please don't stop posting your experience with these VVT Hemis. There are far too many people who post on forums that are just passing on info they've read somewhere and do so as if it's gospel. The "hands on" experience you're getting with your project is hot rodding at it's finest and far beyond much of the postings where the input is based on pictures from the internet and other internet read info that people post.

It IS important to only post what you KNOW to be factual so other people don't spend their hard earned money and end up with a disaster. I got into it one time with a guy who was a Mustang guy, turned Hemi "guru" just because of pictures and things he'd read. Posted something that I knew was just not true and I had the engines in my garage so I could prove otherwise.

The OP here needs to stand down a little and let people contribute invaluable information and not take it so personal. I've had people crap all over some of my threads, which is just plain going to happen. I appreciate the efforts from both of you...

Well when ur done researching and actually get one of ur own running let me know I just posted what i ve learned
Btw I have two engines coupled and running together guess i m just blowing smoke
guess my input isn't welcome here so I won't post any finds anymore
Thanks anyways