Steering wheel upside down...

I wouldn't take the coupler apart. I've never done it, but I hear they can be a bear to get the seal retainer back on.

Center up your steering and pull the column and coupler together. Turn your steering wheel until it is right and slide it back on the box. Since you have it together and it isn't square now, I doubt you will have a master spline that needs to be lined up.

If there is a master spline on the box, and a notch on the couple, line those up, otherwise just eyeball it.

The notch can be seen at the very end of the coupler in this picture. Almost looks like the couple got bonked, but it is supposed to be there. Not certain it is in all cases, but it was on mine.

I think (ut am not certain) that the box has a master spline but the coupler does not. Thus, they can be assembled any way you want. But the notch is supposed to line up with the master spline on the box.