Issue with brand new truck. Advice on how to proceed?

await their call or call them back monday. I had a paint run fixed via this number. Typically a normal sales agent can get his dealer to fix minor stuff like this. I think you may be worked up over one idiot at a bs dealership, and at the end of the day, corporate will take care of you without issue. chrysler products carry a 5 year paint defect warranty...period.

Well it was definitely more than just one idiot. It was several idiots and lying rats...

BUT, I plan on hearing corporate out, and see what they have to say themselves.

I'll say it again, the dealer that I had submit the warranty repair request told me it was returned denied because the dealer I purchased the truck from is responsible for the repair, and that dealer is saying they never touched it.

I'm INCREDIBLY patient, and understand screw ups happen. HOWEVER, and PLEASE read this...

I did ask if there was any repairs done to the vehicle BEFORE I took delivery and the dealer that I bought it from said "NO" and that the dealer that they traded with is required to inform them of any repairs also.

NOW, The dealer that submitted the claim informed me that the dealer that I purchased from was the one that did the repair of the hood.

I.E. They lied thru their weasel $%^%$%^ teeth directly to my face, and I WILL NOT stand for that.