Captainkirk's Duster project

My one partner's reaction was typical...he seized my hand and shook it..."Congrats, man!"
He was truly happy for me, being as how we were in the same boat.
Our other partner...well, not so much.
When I gave him the news, he was not exactly overjoyed. I had planned on putting in a few hours a week at my old position as the new job availed, which I did the first couple weeks or so, but his now-cold attitude toward me coupled with the obvious fact that there would be no back pay coming (I was stll two paychecks in arrears) and none forthcoming, made me realize it was simply time to walk away, though I still retained partial ownership in the company.
And that's pretty much the way we left it up to today...

There are, of course, more details that I've left out for the moment. Purposely. Maybe when things have settled some I can uncover some of them into the open light, but let's leave it here, for the moment....shall we?

So....what does all this have to do with The Duke...and my resto project?
Nothing. And everything.
See, I went from having nothing to fund my Duke having the funds to forge ahead, albeit slowly.
Starting a new job is one thing, but this was different from anything I'd done for some time. Getting used to the new job, the new airplane I was taking care of, and learning the airplane itself, the engines and systems sucked a lot of energy out of me. Not making excuses, you understand, just stating the facts. By the time I got back from aircraft-specific training at the end of July, I realized it would be fruitless to start on The Duke for this season. The mojo just wasn't there. The summer was half-over. I realized 2014 was gonna have to be a 'bye' year on The Duke. And I was OK with that. I hope you are too.
And that brings us, friends,
A solid foot of now blankets the ground outside. My garage is stuffed to bursting with things I shouldn't have out there, with no room to even maneuver. Come spring, I know I have to do the Mother of all Spring Cleanings, and work on my 'facilities' out there as well; new shelving, finish insulating and paneling, more lighting, upgraded wiring....and that's just for starters. All in good time. But right now, the urge to get back to doing something; anything! on The Duke is strong, almost overpowering. Where there's a will, there's a way. Or so the saying goes. Soon, very soon, I will pick a spot and start drilling. And report every heartbeat to you good folks.
Stay tuned!