Safe-T-Cap frame repair

I just finished using " my made" (homemade rear frame caps on a 62 lancer. I couldn't justify paying for original rails and freight from rust free area for this road toad. I had local wholesale steel co. that also does metal breaking, make me some 14 ga. "L" shaped pieces. price of the steel bent was like $40., most of that cost was the labor to cut and bend.
just rear rails affected. partially rusted out on bottoms only. I stitch welded to the sides of the rails, making cuts and bending for the radius above rear axle area took some time but worked out well I thought. I sprayed Ospho in the rails, I will epoxy prime and paint all, then undercoat. it will be fine for me...
if this had been a rare, maybe valuable " show" car. I would have spent all the $$$ and time doing the original frame rail replacement, BUT it ain't and it will be just a decent home done driver!
I cured myself of " perfect-it is" many years ago! LOL