HP & TQ difference between 10.1 comp to 11.1 comp?

Yes multiple accident's. Grew up on a farm and between lifting way too much as a kid and dealing with wild cows I went from being young to old really quick. Ruptured 3 disc and fractured my femur at age 14 they treated the back injury's but not the hip. Walked on it with a cane in school for a year. At 15 completely broke my femur in half rolling the ball joint over. Doc said ah its just your back causing the pain. Lol ya right. Enlisted in army at 17 bwent thri training until I couldn't run anymore. Docs finally found it but was too late. The joint was wipe out like a 90 yr old man. Had reconstruction surgery with a plate and 26 screw's. But I'm sure you can guess how it goes from there. It wasn't easy getting a job being so young. So I started the shop until parents divorced and sold the property and building without letting me buy it first. But after that I got a shop to give me a trial week to see if they would hire me. 2nd day I was hired. Few years after that I was offered a job in another shop for more $. Went there. After 6mth I was moved to lead tech. Hardest thing about getting a job was all the shops required ASE certs.. I still have yet to take the tests. Honestly I never had the time. Papers don't fix cars. I hired 3 ASE cert techs while I was there.. Fired all 3 bc they couldn't even fix car. Good test takers I guess.. But the ones that I had there that didn't have certs well they still have a job. Anyhow yes I'm young , 27 can run with most the older ones, But.. I love to learn and I soak it in like a sponge. That's the only way I am able to be where I am today. I'm not embarrassed to ask or learn. I mean what other boring loser 27 yr old reads camshaft theory books and engine building books for fun? Lol