Bad member alert

Sometimes life is more important then shipping out parts

yes it is , but when someone LOGS IN and DOES NOT let a buyer know what the hell is going on with their money or parts , that's when it becomes bullshit. if my people died and I OWED someone parts , yet I LOG IN but do not tell them what is going on, I would EXPECT a thread like this about ME.

you are missing the point, he LOGGED IN but did not take the time to PM or reply to the guy that sent him money until THIS THREAD came to be.

I think its great we got to hear the other side , who knows what would have happened had this thread not have been posted. If a seller has my money, logs in , but does not answer my PMs and then logs out again or does not answer, you bet your *** I would start a thread myself. sometimes that's what it takes to get a response.

I don't think so, did you read the whole thread? He called the seller, and PM the seller several times with no reply.Then the seller cracks the sad's because we are all discussing it and requests to be removed.
It obviously sh*ts me when sellers cant communicate properly.
Luckily i deal with couple of great guys on here for parts and have not had any problems.
