Bad member alert

I don't understand why some folks criticize a guy for joining the site to sell parts. One of the reasons I joined this site was to find parts I needed.

If the guy selling stuff was slow in delivering the things he sells it may be reason to become suspicious as to whether or not he's legit and whether or not you'll ever receive the things you've paid for. So I can understand the buyer worrying. We should all appreciate a 'heads up' when it comes to potential fraud. But I do not understand all of the piling on by members that have not had dealings with the seller.

If I ever go through a traumatic event while in the middle of a transaction I can't guarantee that my attention will be focused the way others would want. When my Dad (and then later on, my Mom) passed away life almost stopped for me. Not everyone was understanding when I dropped the ball with certain obligations. It took awhile for me to move on.

I'm glad to see that it looks as though the buyer will be getting his parts. I empathize with the seller about the death of his uncle and send my condolences. I can understand why he might wish to leave the site after reading some of the posts.