Bad member alert

we all do but when someone LOGS IN and DOES NOT let a buyer know what the hell is going on with their money or parts , that's when it becomes bullshit. if my people died and I OWED someone parts , yet I LOG IN but do not tell them what is going on, I would EXPECT a thread like this about ME.

if you cant communicate with the people you are selling parts to after you take their money, you have NO business selling parts

I understand where you're coming from. But for a few, loved ones are WAYYYYY more important than materialistic bull ****. If one of my loved ones die, screw you guys, I'm taking care of business. Of course I'd communicate. You guys got a problem with that? Go ahead and start a forum and start bitching and crying about it and don't forget to leave out the important details. Shows how much people can be so careless and obsessed with green and materialistic bull crap. I was raised different, money can always be replaced, not a human beings!