72 duster 340 brake booster

Search for "Booster Dewey" (or such). Prices are high. I have never seen a rebuild kit. I fixed a Midland-Ross one (post #2 photo) by cutting neoprene sheet (ebay) and forming my own rubber diaphragm. It works, but I haven't run it on a car, and not optimistic the rubber will last. Anyway, don't be afraid to open one. They are simple and no parts will jump out.

If you don't care about original, I installed a booster/MC from a 95-99 Breeze ABS on Dart brackets. Just had to file the bracket holes slightly to fit. Others might have a closer bolt pattern. Most 2000+ cars have bubble flare ports, but you can make those on your 3/16" tubes w/ a standard dbl flarer (youtube). The Breeze MC I used still has dbl flares. If non-ABS, there will be extra ports to plug on the MC (or use that to replace your distribution block).