
Decided to keep most of my comments to myself, seems like everytime I "speak out" in this type of thread a certain someone just spins and contorts my words, so why bother?

There was no "spin", whatsoever, in my comment to you. There's no hudden message, and no double meaning, either.

I have just been battling my "Demons" lately. Been blacking out from rage induced Manic episodes as of late, am beginning to worry that I may end up hurting myself or worse yet someone else....

That sounds like you need serious intervention and psychiatric help, that you are not going to find here. I recommend that you don't wait to get serious medical help until you do something that you don't mean to do.

I do have a question. Hopefully it will be not taken out of context.....and be taken seriously.
What are your folks thoughts on somebody believing in God but not believing in Religion?

It's not uncommon. Plenty of people believe in god, but don't practice a religion. There are many who also believe in Jesus Christ, who also don't follow a "religion". It's not an issue. It's a personal choice.