
a couple years ago, the local Baptist minister and his wife, stopped at my home, introduced himself, and asked if we had time to visit. I said sure, come on in. we just talked of life in general. THEN, I had to ask him, what made the Baptist right and the Methodist wrong?? ( or I could have asked the Jews and Christians or whatever). he looked at me SOooo seriously and told me, there was NO doubt the Baptists were right and the Methodist wrong!!!!! went on the say he had a best friend that was a Methodist minister, BUT the guy was wrong!!!!!
now there is little difference in the basic belief of the two groups in general.....!!

I look at it like this. I base my belief in God on the bible. now there are many religions that are based on this Bible, but each have different views and beliefs. different interpretations. different religion, but still the basis that a belief in a Creator, God, a superior being. whatever....

so I go back to my first story here. are the Budists wrong and the Christians right? is not the belief in the entity referred to as God, the key?

religion? relate that to the church. the church is made of people. it is a building full of people... we, humans, i.e. people, we are ALL imperfect, we all make mistakes, even try as we might not to. we are all hiprocrits in one way or another?? we meet at a church to study the word of God, thru the information passed down for centuries in the book, the Bible. thus a certain religion. so I try to differentiate between the church, the religion, and my belief there is a God, and the bottom line of trying to follow the road map of life laid down in this book, the Bible...

my thoughts may or may not be sound. religion , like politics, religion leave plenty of room for disagreement.