
sometimes we answer our own questions. I have , upon occasion asked myself, when and where in life did I find personal happiness???? what was I doing? who with? what was my relationship with my spiritual side at that point?

let me give this story: my dad went thru 4 years of ww11 and 1 tour of Korea. when he got out, his nervous were shot, barely could hear, had what they called, a nervous breakdown. I can remember him walking the hall ALL night, night after night. he was suicidal and the odc said he could kill even those the closes to him...... he had primitive shock treatment. he eventually pulled out of it, my mom told him he couldn't end this way, he had a small son to raise.
I can well remember him sitting in church every Sunday, us as a family. I was just a small boy, but I wondered what the heck was he doing sitting there. he couldn't hear squat!!!????? but I truly feel he was being healed, setting an example to me for use ,, as what I should try to be.
I could go on......