Painting Car

Ron, im in agreement with pete, I'm not trying to discourage you but by your post this is possibly your first paint job. if not them my apologies sir. painting is not easy as thought, if you work for a living then there are weeks and weeks (afterwork and weekends) of preparation just to get ready for the big day, then the painting process takes time as well. you need a good gun (hvlp), compressor, lighting, clean dry warm shop. I have painted several cars "at home" with no real paint booth its tough but im generally happy with the outcome most of all the fact that I done it myself. I did try my hand at silver and it turned out terrible. solid colors are much easier than any metallics especially silver. I have painted metallics that turned out but silver is probably the hardest, again im not trying to discourage you at all, by all means go for it, I did. I just wanted you to to be aware of all that's involved. and it costs a lot more money than just the paint itself, you need lots of materials. I suggest google the subject several different ways and read all you can. I also suggest IMHO use white for your first paint job (be it on yours or a buddy's beater). also I've done it in pieces and as a whole, if you don't have any help putting it back together afterwards youll scratch the paint. doors, decklids and hoods are heavy and awkward to install. leave it together. as long as you don't close the doors etc all the way during painting they wont touch.