Painting Car

Just pay someone one to do it right.

this subject has been argued on here plenty.

I agree with the comment of taking class at community college. you learn a skill you will use over and over if you stay in the car hobby. maybe make some money on the side to help pay for your " car addiction"???.

my goal is "decent" driver quality work. can I make it perfect. yes but I don't care to go that far, unless it is a car of real value, or a pretty dent car to begin with, just me... like the other guy, I prefer to paint under hood, jambs, trunk. interior , to go back in after all paint work. If much work to be done to doors and fenders, maybe hood.. pull them so you can lay them on sawhorses and work flat. I prefer to bolt back on then apply top coat.

like the guy says, a good compressor is so important. you can rig up lights, ventilator that will work. but for sure use a good water separator, and disposable one at the gun also. hope these pointers help.