Finally figured it out!! Prototype underway!!

Nope not bc a push rod engine.. Read ^^^ again why I said it was unique. Unless a GM LS engine is an older Mopar engine ......... And mine is more versatile than that "Government Motors" crap.


A pushrod motor is a pushrod motor. Ford, Chrysler, GM. Not sure why you feel the need to diss GM. As far as versatile? Good. But cam phasing has limits. You can only retard and or advance a cam so much. In general so far from my research, 20 degrees total is about it. Now that may relate to twin cams where the advantage of overlap comes into play which might indicate a total of 40 degrees, but I would question degreeing a single cam that much.

One design I came across I can see being applied to our engines For some of us that have had loose timing chains it is obvious. A slighlty longer timing chain and two tensioners. The tensioners are mounted on a sliding bar that when moved left and right would either retard or advance the cam. I am not sure but I think it was a Chryler design to boot.

Anyway. Good luck with your prototype. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.