Captainkirk's Duster project

Ruh Roh. Might be trouble in River City, as Dad used to say...
After cleaning up the first piston dome to the luster of a somewhat dusty jewel, I moved on to the second. All was well until I got the major nasties off and saw this:

...which at first viewing, appeared to be a crack (gakk!) and then, after I calmed down some, possibly a forging flaw....but after some study by this unpracticed eye, now appears to be a line of craters probably caused by pre-ignition (detonation). A 'fault line', for all you Cali guys....if you get my drift.
Question is, is it safe to use?
Good question.
And one I will probably have to refer to Tony, my engine machining guy.
This could be a game-changer, folks. Stay tuned.