Bad member alert

I had a similar thing a few months back. Seller sold me some parts, I paid with a U.S. Postal MO and heard nothing. About 2 weeks after, I pm'ed him. A few days later his son, pm'ed me back to say they got the mo, his dad, who I was buying from had had a heart attack and was out of action for a while, but the son would try to find out what he could from him and get my stuff sent. 3 months later, I still have not received anything, so I started digging and find a phone # and call and leave a message with his daughter. The next day I get a call from his brother and he say's that the seller had a severe stroke after the heart attach and he had no idea what or where the stuff that he found was suppose to go. He made good and I got my stuff the next week. Was I pissed for having to wait, No. Things happen in life and I completely understand. It's just car stuff. I knew he was a older gentleman, and his family comes first. Now I hate people that make up constant excuses, but I have patience, as I have had to ask people for patience from time to time. I guess if you can't afford to possible lose your money on a person to person deal, then go buy new, from the store and you will not have to wait, unless it's back ordered.
