Bad member alert

Just my 2 cents here:
1) Both parties have received what they set out to changed hands, parts were shipped and received. Done deal. This should never have gone to the level it did. There is a user feedback tab that allows rating a seller or buyer plus an opportunity to leave your own 2 cents on their profile page...which does a lot more good for prospective buyers or sellers in the future. This thread should never have turned out to be a bash session for either party. It's unprofessional and has no place here. Leave feedback where it does the best the feedback section.
2) The OP should not have had to worry whether he was going to receive his parts. Good communication would solve this issue.
3) Likewise, the seller should not have had to come here to defend his honor and position. In the end, he came through.
4) Remember; for some odd reason, it's on the buyer to fork over his/her hard-earned cash...on faith alone... and hope for an honest transaction. How many times have you seen it demanded of a seller to ship the part so it can be checked out first...and THEN you'll send the money? Never. Therefore, the seller holds ALL the cards for several days., at least. This puts the onus on HIM to make make damn sure the part gets shipped...PRONTO!...and open lines of communication if it can't be for some reason. Think about it from a buyer's perspective for a moment.
5) I've sold a lot of parts in the past (motorcycle-related) and I tended to think of myself as 'in the parts business' for a short time,until the parts were gone, anyway. You have to take that mindset....that of a 'business'...not a guy liquidating an unused spare part. If you want a good rep you have to EARN it by good behavior, great communication, copious photos, fast, insured shipping with tracking numbers provided to the buyer. You are morally honor-bound to provide this type of service to a buyer. If not, you won't find anybody wanting to buy from you...and for good reason.
6) Last but not least...People! For cryin' out loud...use PayPal or a USPS Money Order where you have SOME recourse if you encounter a scammer! Sending funds Western Union is just plain stupid, as is sending cash or any other type of unsecured money order!
Use your head! If the seller won't leave you an 'out', there's usually good reason. NO part is worth getting screwed out of your hard-earned matter HOW good of a deal you think it is!
Finally, if you think you've been had, contact a forum moderator, leave feedback, but don't start a 'trash the dude' thread. It serves no purpose. We have two guys here, both who have done their respective duties in one way or another, who will probably never do biz with each other again. But now we have those same two guys who probably won't be able to do biz with most of the folks who read this thread....depending on whose side they are on.
Stupid, huh?