
Maybe it's just me but when I buy parts from here I generally round up what I pay to a multiple of 5. So if a part + Shipping comes out to $57.32 Id just send $60. Takes care of the fee and the seller gets a little extra cash. Plus Its nicer to buy parts from members on here than it is to buy overpriced parts on FeeBay. 3% fee for PayPal vs 9% for eBay and the prices are generally lower here to begin with, then there's the added benefit of the seller actually being knowledgable about what there selling (and what it's worth) and it's easy to communicate between buyer and seller. I agree with the buyer always pays the fee, even if it's just already incorporated into the price. Plus, if I'm already spending $150 on a part I don't think I'd beat myself up over $5. Still cheaper than sales tax by a lot...