
When a part is sold for $100 and money order is sent, does the buyer take $100 to the PO, deduct the MO cost from the $100 and send the remainder?


Think about that.

good point!? if I , personally am asked to send postal M O, I have the cost of the M O and a 30 miles trip to town!! LOL

which came first the chicken or the egg!? LOL

have you ever been involved in a real estate transaction that involved some reasonably large $$, just to see the buyer refuse to pay a fee involved that is traditionally the "buyers" fee!? I have. and it wasn't because the buyer couldn't cough up the few bucks either! some people can be "funny" and some of the funniest ones are the wealthiest! I've seen those types admit to being wealthy because they would screw anyone for a buck. not saying that all rich people are that way, just a lot of the ones I've run into over the years! LOL sorry if that offends anyone.

have you ever broke down on the side of the road? and the ONLY type that stopped to help..... was driving the most broke down vehicle, and all the "nice" vehicles, went right on by.? I have..... LOL

one thing to consider. paypal is owned by Ebay. I have both bought and sold on there like most people. but I always have the impression that, with Ebay, the buyer is right until proved wrong, and the seller has few rights, Ebay. paypal whichever.....

I vote it was the chicken came first!????