So much for the Modman....

I think a double pumper would have probably helped my transition issue the most. I had a vacuum secondary Carter AFB on mine (was on the 318 that was in the car when I bought it but ran like a treat) and nothing I did with the power springs made any difference. Figured it was an accelerator pump issue since it was quick stabs of the throttle that messed it up, not a roll. Had a hard time trying to figure out if it was too rich or too lean as nothing I did seemed to make any difference and reading plugs on a dual plug head isn't exactly the easiest either. Got an older Holley from a friend in a trade, but part of the linkage hit the top plate and I didn't have a spacer at the time so I never did mess with it. Almost bought a double pumper, but things just didn't quite work out and I think I'm glad it went the way it did as I'm happy with the setup I have now.