Wrecked Duster Stocker

I dial my car for dead on. E85 made the car deadly consistent.
The method that I use at the finish line is as follows:

If im the faster car and I catch the guy at half track or before, I just drive right past him to get out front. As we approach the finish line, I never lift the throttle, I only apply enough brake pressure to let him gradually catch me. I let him get as close to even as possible while still knowing I'm out front by a hair. I try to time that moment to happen VERY close to the finish line. That way the guys with the small nitrous bottles don't have enough room to bump the button then dump at the line when they get back around.

If I'm being chased, I use the same concept when I see that I'm gonna be first to the line.

As consistent as the car is, if the race is too close at the stripe to do this "brake drag", I just run it flat out and 7 or 8 outta 10 times, I get the win.

I have had very good luck racing with this braking method, and it is much safer.

I sure hope these folks can salvage the car or at least most of the goods to be used on another one.