Captainkirk's Duster project
Well, finally got all the pistons and rods disassembled. I was down to just two...stubborn mothers!....and they refused to cooperate like the others. The TRW's use floating pins and snap rings and the other piston pins came out with a little coaxing from my deadblow mallet and plastic drift. Yesterday I had hosed them down with copious amounts of AeroKroil, which will pretty much loosen concrete, and let 'em sit overnight with the intention of whacking 'em out today...
Guess again, Captain.
"We ain't goin' nowhere!", says they.
Oh...really? Well, how 'bout if I SuperSize the mallet?
"Stupid Captain. Don't you EVER listen?"
Harrumph. Wailing on this plastic rod with a shot-filled hammer and these little weasels aren't moving. Well, OK...they moved about an eighth of an inch, then stopped.
Just enough to slip a socket into.
Slipping a larger socket over the opposite end left me just enough room to squeeze the two sockets between the jaws of the shop vise. But, tightening down the jaws stopped me cold again.
So, I grabbed that big-*** mallet and gave the vise jaw a wallop...POP! It moved. Only a little, but it moved....
So, I tightened the jaws just a hair more and played Whack-A-Mole again, with the same results...over and over, until the socket was swallowed up by the piston pin bore....
By now, the cheeky little bastard was begging for mercy. Realizing resistance was futile, it surrendered with only a whimper when I pulled the piston from the vise and finished the job with the plastic rod and mallet. The piston pin dropped into my waiting hand....
I must've scared the bejeebers out of that other piston pin, because the socket trick worked just fine on that one. Even easier, as a matter of fact, now that I had the technique down...
"You were saying?"
Not a peep out of either piston pin in return.
Still, I had to wonder. There was an awful lot of varnish on those two pins....
However, nothing a shot of Scotch Brite followed up by a ride on the ol' polishing wheel couldn't handle. Smooth as glass as shiny as a baby's ***.....the now-shiny pins slid right into the con rod bushings like nobody's bid'ness.
A quick once-over with the wire wheel took care on the surface flash-rust on the con rods.
So, finally!...all the pistons and rods lay disassembled and actually are starting to not look like they came out of a junkyard motor home.
Pictures forthcoming in the somewhat distant future......
Captain: 1
Pins: Zero.