New Rear Gears

With a 3000 TC, it would be hard for me to justify anything more than 3.55s on the street.
-Think about; Youre cruising along at 30mpg in 2nd doing just about 2000 rpm. Things are pleasant, but youre ready, no itching, to pull the trigger. You see your opportunity. Hammer down! The tranny kicks down as the TC winds up. Bam it hits. 30 mph in first is about 3500rpm. the tires light up and you are g-o-n-e.- 3.73s would up the launch to 3700. Anything more than that is overkill, IMHO, for street. I mean if you shoot a skunk dead with the first shot, why waste more bullets on it. In less tha 2 seconds you will be speeding, if you arent already.
-And 3.91s are a miserable ride at anything over about 55mph. Take your son to a car show? Maybe once. You may be having fun. Him not so much. Or the wife? Forget that! Just saying. Two-chunk system? Been there. Seemed like a good idea. That novelty gets old in a hurry. 4-speed auto? Now yer talkin!
-But I digress. I can tell from your excited responses, that you have pretty much made up your mind on the big number gears. So yeah, better to buy a complete chunk. Then you have something to fall back on when you just cant stand it any more.
-Without an O/D tranny; just to reiterate; " 3.55s are about as good as it gets" Who said that? Rusty I think.And Doogie.