Captainkirk's Duster project

We ain't outta the woods yet, Georgie.
While my recent posts have solved several questions regarding these pistons, specifically the forging flaw on the dome (and whether it could be polished out; indeed it could and was) and the resulting weight difference (I've been assured it's okey-dokey to match them all to the lightest piston...have grinder, will travel!) there is still a burning question gnawing at my guts...I've got some pitting and corrosion in several of the ring grooves and on the lands and skirts that I've found since disassembling and cleaning.
Can it be polished out? I dunno....part of me is screaming "Chuck these things in the trash, dammit!"...yeah the same part that screamed the same thing when I found the forging flaw. And look how that turned out!
I guess there's nothing left to do besides give it the old college try and see what happens.
I guess ring grooves are a bit more critical than the domes.
Am I nuts to try to clean this up? (even though I'm gonna try?) Time will tell.