Mo' Parts Mo' Problems....Counting Cars.....

well I missed the original viewing, just caught the last 20 min re-run on Sunday morning, and i gotta say I actually liked the look, I know the tail stripe wasn't factory but so what!, the little touch with the bat wings on the bee and roadrunner were cool, no this isn't real life, of course it's tv, but the cars are real, I went to Kounts Kustoms this past October, everything is pretty much the way you see it, cool shop, cool cars, I don't believe the prices on the show will jack the real life prices any more than they already are, I have been doing Mopar stuff for 35 years now and Mopar stuff has always been more than Chevy and Ford stuff, there prices have gone up to, so it's all relative, at least we are seeing Mopars on TV, I pvr'd every hour of BJ this winter then I watched it and fast forward through 3/4 of it because that is how many Chevy/Fords were on it if I seen one more p.o.s Chevelle or Corvette I though I was going to puke!!, as long as these show's keep putting on Mopar's I personally will keep watching!, there's my 2 cents, lol