Getting my dart ready for the drag strip

im hoping to get as close to 11.5 as possible then im happy. i don't want to cage this car or have to change my seats. I am perfectly happy running in the pro class and driving to and from the track and cracking off mid 11 sec passes on pump swill.


crackedback, thank you for your help when i first got this thing fired up. I am currently at 22* initial and 36* total all in by 2800 rpm. it starts with the flick of the key and no longer burns my eyes outta the sockets at idle. im sure it would like a little more initial but with the big stall speed i think its a good trade off for hot starts.

Cracked is a good guy with lots of "MoSmarts". You're a little soft on compression with aluminum heads but if it hooks and the basic stuff is covered, an 11 sec time slip should be yours!

But we need pics of the car itself, not just the motor!