Captainkirk's Duster project's the compression worries that are keeping me awake at night.
The pistons cleaned up enough, I think, to *probably* be re-usable. After all, these things are built like a brick shithouse. And it's the ring gap that is the most critical factor........
No, it's the fact that anyway you slice it, these slugs are probably putting out somewhere in the 11.5:1 neighborhood.....way too much for pump gas.
Now, earlier on we discussed my plan to 'blend' fuels....mixing 1 gallon of 100 octane Avgas with 15 gallons unleaded premium to create unleaded fuel with a "whole lotta lead" (apologies to Robert Plant).....which, in theory, should still work. But, how practical?
Not very.
And I highly doubt I can safely remove enough bowl material to open up the 'J' castings to drop us down where I wanna be....between 9 and 10:1 static.
Sure, sure, I could have the domes milled on the TRWs.....but at what cost? And with the pitting present on the skirts and domes, I feel like I might be settling for sub-standard.
Captain has never done anything half-assed, and this feels like half-assed to me.
I feel another sleepless night coming on....