Stop in for a cup of coffee
Well I looked into the gas tank/filler tube interference problem and the filler tube has .125" interference fit with the tube...
Talked to Wes at Mancini and he looked up what part they sent me, and it's the right part number...
I don't feel comfortable trying to grind it to get it to fit. Rubber can be tricky to "skim" off of. I had another idea to put the grommet on the filler tube and put it in the oven for a bit at like 150° - 250° (hot enough not to melt it) so maybe some of the internal stresses will be reduced and it will allow the rubber to creep enough for me to get this together. I'm just worried that I may melt or damage the grommet if I get it too hot...
I know from my underhood design experience that most rubbers and plastics are good to 250° F, and after that, can be affected by heat.... So I have to keep it from getting over 250°. Wes said that if I damage it trying to get it to work, that he'll take care of me...
So I have to give that a try sometime this weekend. I couldn't do it yesterday, as I was busy using the oven to cook a 22 lb ham....
The kid loved his first day on the job at the repair shop. He was a half hour early and the boss let him leave a half hour early in return. I told him that's a good thing, so if he needs to leave a little early sometime, just go in early to get your hours in, then you can leave early and still get full pay and no bad reflection on you for leaving early... He says that the boss is really cool and helps him when he needs it... He's excited about the job. He can't wait to work on some of the other cars there...