Stop in for a cup of coffee

Correct. It was really very easy, simple bolt on stuff.. Even the UBJ's weren't that much of a PITA. I do have one caliper bleeder leaking. Gonna try a new bleeder screw first, if that don't stop it, I'll replace the caliper. Kinda sucks since I was all proud of myself for rebuiliding the calipers.. Murphy's law I suppose...

Well I am going to have the Ram Man build mine Ben, I Know it may cost me a couple hundred more :banghead: but it will be dun right like you did yours :cheers:
I hope the new bleeder does the job :glasses7: I bet it will, I put new bleeders on the rear of Victoria a few years back and had to go to town and pick up another one, one leaked bad !

I need to take Buddy out again and check on my son Creed that just called to find out where is the best place to get stitches at :pale: I am sure he is ok becouse he sounded ok, but I hope it don't stop him from working, he has a couple big jobs this week, Framing up a new home. Be back sometime :glasses7: