Pulling the inner valve spring at cam break in?

I didn't see anything intense or any type of pissing contest coming from those who recommended leaving the spring out.

It's sound advice. Just because it's something you might not want to hear, doesn't mean it's a pissing contest, intense or wrong.

Regardless of spring pressure, if there's a dual spring on a flat tappet cam, "I" would never recommend leaving the inner spring in during break in. The last thing I want to do is cause somebody heartache over something so simple by giving them bad advice.

I think those of you who think that is "intense" might need to put your big girl panties on. This hobby has never been for the faint of heart. It's always consisted of real car people who are badass and get things done in ways no one else would ever think of.

I would suggest those of you who think that is intense find another hobby, as you are not good representatives of the automotive world. We don't need a bunch of pansy asses that get their panties wadded up over something so trivial.

Good advice has been given on this thread. Leave inner springs out on dual springs setups for flat tappet break in. That's really all there is to it.