if i were to buy a modern challenger ....this is it

I think you are mistaken.. The term goes back at least to the 1830s where it pops up in the Carolinas to refer to a farmer that works in the sun. Over time the back of his neck would sunburn. So calling someone a redneck is not a bad thing.. Our farmers are some of the hardest working people on earth.

goes back that far, yes
and it may or may not have its roots in the miners fighting the unions, all stand up guys one would be proud to be associated with

but over time the meaning of a word changes (remember Bill Clinton?) and what people think of nowadays is not even a shadow of what it meant then

my point is, I didn't mean any disrespect for them men who bore the word when it first came out but to be called a redneck nowadays (at least by one definition) is to display "a glorious lack of sophistication"