Stop in for a cup of coffee

I read your C10? story on the other thread. I never thought about us being viewed that way by neutral countries. It was a C10 right?

EC-130 spec op bird. It was an eye opener getting an in flight emergency (we lost all hydraulics about 100 NM from the coast, had chaff and flares loaded and about 40000lb of fuel. We had to dump the fuel and fire off the ordanance before landing. (What is funny that plane 777 is on static display at the gap) When we got out of the plane looking at the engine that pissed out all the fluid the Guardia stopped us and we had to get in civilian clothes on before getting out again (you cannot touch the ground in Ireland in uniform). Then that nutjob in our face with cameras and stuff. We made all the local news and the front page! They assigned an officer to protect us and were pretty much restricted to what we could do, and if we did go out it was all of us or none! The officer must have thought we were lushes due to the fack we pretty much stayed in the bar for three weeks!

It is pretty bad when an Irishman thinks you drink to much!!!