if i were to buy a modern challenger ....this is it

having been raised in the deep South, I understand the deep sense of loyality to that part of the country. in high school , if the band played Dixie, everyone went WILD. it had nothing to do with race,( and this was back before race took the forefront of everything.) same feeling for that flag. has nothing really to do with the civil war to me.

the Dukes Of Hazzard is yes, pretty "childish" maybe, but it as a TV show about doing what is right, and fighting for the little guy, and against corruption??? I hate to know how many chargers were destroyed, yes a shame.

Redneck, i'm proud to call myself a redneck, a country bumpkin, hick, country boy, whatever you want to call it. maybe Jeff Foxworth's humor ( which I like) solidified the assumption that a redneck is a stupid, lazy, ignorant inbred? I never take myself too seriously anyway!