Stop in for a cup of coffee

Squirrel Flinger - YouTube

Ultimate Squirrel Launching Compilation - YouTube

From a what do you do to keep squirrels from eating my hops thread!

Those are funny...

You could always get a good Dalmatian. Mine lives to chase squirrels, chipmonks, raccoons, coyotes, and deer.... He will act like he has to go to the bathroom, and when I let him out, goes to the end of the porch and looks for an animal to chase...

They have a natural instinct to chase rodents. That's why they were used as coach dogs back in the horse and buggy days.

They needed a dog that could run with the horses, under and around, that could keep up with the horses and be able to go 30 miles in a stretch before resting... They would run under the horses and around the coaches to keep the mice and rodents from spooking the horses. Then when they got into town, the Dalmatian would sit by the back wheel of the coach and guard it from thieves. That's why they make such good watch dogs also....

That's why if you show a Dalmatian, it has a 22"-24" height requirement from the ground to their shoulder to be legal for showing.

My dad's favorite dog was a Dalmatian mixed with an English Setter. He was small and light at 44 lbs and could cut and run better than a football player. We were riding snow mobiles in 8" of snow once and he kept up with my friend at 34 MPH... And he could make a 90° or tighter turn.... The squirrels liked to tease him and try to make it to the next tree, and didn't make it a few times... He caught 19 squirrels and 2 chipmonks in his lifetime.