All Hail The Road Salvage Gods!!!!!

Yes people, the RSG are great, they are wise, and not just a little mischievous, but they are also a safety minded bunch, and don't condone using crazy tactics to gain favor! The reward is not just the end game, but the wisdom, and the knowledge to use it wisely may be just as important!

As our brothers Bad Sport and HemiOutlaw have so eloquently illustrated, there are varying levels of loyalty to the RSG.....the casual observer, the loyal follower, the fanatic!! Only the fanatic would stop for a bungy cord, or dive out on the interstate for a nice length of chain, actions not condoned by the RSG!! However, it is the casual observer we need to commit here....saw it, "maybe I'll stop on the way back", or the ever popular "I don't have the time"!! That one may anger them most....I was severely punished for not stopping to get a HD receiver with adjustable ball height and sway bar pockets because I "didn't have time"!! Not so much as an empty Burger King wrapper for almost a year!!

Please talk to your family and friends and help get the word out here, and if you're a top lieutenant like HemiOutlaw, and it bugs the wife and kids when you stop, you know you'll have done your job!!! Geof