Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

Yeah, looks like it went up from $35 to $40, so an extra $5. At least for the US users. Canada is now $51, but I bet that has to do with the exchange rate too.

Still works out to just under .11 cents a day in the US, so, A LOT less than a cup of coffee Rani. :D

I look at it this way. How much money has FABO saved me? You know, by getting the right parts the first time, or posting about a sale (my 20% off Doug's headers), or finding a part I need used in the classifieds instead of buying new, etc. I know it's a heck of a lot more than even $40 a year, so I feel it's fair to pay the $40 to keep my Gold membership for the extra perks it gives me. Even if I can use the site for free.

But being on a fixed income definitely makes you change your financial priorities, or, at least be a lot more aware of them. And from that standpoint, I totally understand not being able to afford the increases, which is really unfortunate. Even if it's a fair increase to keep up with the costs of managing the site, it just goes along with all the other increases that nickel and dime everyone to death.

But I'm sure the cost of maintaining the site is going up the same way, which is why the increase is getting passed along to begin with.

it is the exchange rate for the added cost but my $51 bucks is just as good here as your 51 is there . if this makes any sense .