Home painted ,car guys.....

this yellow and black nasty *** oil based enamel tractor bullshit was put on by some flipper . I warn you now , if you put this **** on your car and decide to take it off , you might as well dip the entire car in a giant vat of aircraft paint stripper , or invest in 25 packs 80 grit DA paper and be prepared to use a disc every 3 minutes. you will kill your compressor trying to sand it off. I cant count the hours ive spent trying to get this stuff off .

tip , spend the 100 bucks at TCP global and buy a single stage gallon kit. the stuff works great and it will lay down nice. I used it on my blue 77 charger, I have less than 300 bucks total. the picture doesn't do it justice, it really turned out nice , and I am a novice