Jets are gettin big!

Cylinder heads?

If it's a quench engine, i could see 32ish. If it's a stock iron head, that's pretty low in most cases. We do have dogpiss for gasoline out here. :)

245 at .050 it will likely want 22-24ish for initial timing. 20 is a good starting point.

Simple test, start car, turn distributor a little CCW. If it picks up RPM, it wants the timing. Reset idle speed, do it again. Keep twisting it a little at a time. Find the point it doesn't pick up. Turn it off when warmed up and see if it restarts easily. If it kicks back or rolls over slowly, back out a little at a time until it starts at a flick of the key. Put light on it see what you have for initial timing.

If it's not pinging under load, start turning timing into it and find the point it starts to rattle. Back it off a couple degrees and get a timing reading. Rev it up until it stops advancing. DO NOT pick a number and think that's it. You may have some advance above your picked RPM number. Use a light and verify. My friends killed and engine doing the 2500 number...

Good luck with it.

Thank u, i heard 34-36 deg is about max, and thats where i org had it set, then it wud go down to 10 at idle... I put 74 jets back in (i was tryin 70-74-78-82, 74s were runnin best at that point) and cranked idle timing up to 18, it max out around 39.... I took it for a spin and its got more power, crispy throttle, had 2" more vaccum, and ran at 170 deg!!!!! :)

It kept revvin up as i was spinin dizzy at idle, im sure it can use more...shud i keep spinin it till it boggs out a lil like how u said above... Shud i b worryed about that 39 deg jumpin in the 40s? Is it time for a recurve of the dizzy? Im planin on gettin a msd dizzy soon