1966 Dodge D/Dart ~ 'Mystery, Myth and Misconception'

What is new on the D/Dart front..................

I was told about another D/Dart that may be around. That would make 12 that are survivors. Still trying to verify the numbers on the car.

I was contacted by the writers of the 'Mopar Magazine' that you may see laying around on the tables in the service waiting areas of the Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealerships. They were going to do an article on the Trans Am D/Dart but I'm pretty sure the article will have info and photos of the drag cars.

Speaking of the Trans Am D/Dart. I don't believe the car has any numbers stamped on the body (radiator Support and package tray) or the people that work there don't know what to look for. I talked to them twice on the car and they said there were no numbers. I know that the numbers stamped on Phill's D/Dart don't match the numbers on the fender tag, yet it's a true D/Dart. But no numbers at all? If anyone goes to the Fast Lane dealership, please verify this for me.