OMG dream car I thought this was a discussion of fact about the space availability in these cars and then the "giggity giggity" gave it away as to what you guys are talking about. You guys are gross!! :violent2:

You can also sleep back there... #-o

(I've done that too....) :color:

I have freaked out people at how much stuff I have packed in my fastback. I used to go to college two states over and could get all of my "equipment" for my dorm room in two trips... :???: (two large speakers, two medium speakers, two tape decks, cd player, 100 watt per channel receiver, half fridge, microwave, bottom half of tool box, oh yeah, and clothes....)

We also put the back seat of my fastback down and drove it to Spring Break from Detroit, MI to Daytona, FL. We put our bags on one side, and a pillow and sleeping bag on the other. One guy slept while the other guy drove... Made the trip in 22 hours going down, and 19 back to Chicago from FL. :glasses7:

My brother and I used to fall asleep in mom's67 fastback when she stayed late visiting her family on the other side of town. Mom would put a sleeping bag and pillow in the back for each of us, and we would fall asleep on the way home looking at the street lights and start out of the back window... O:)

They're not just for "gigity-gigity".... :D