Stop in for a cup of coffee

they don't all need to be Barrett Jackson shiny dimes.

In fact I am to a point in the hobby where I prefer car that are a little rough around the edges. You should see my 68 dart up close, not really anything but I like it just the way it is.

If you ever watch CARS 2, it makes you appreciate them the way they are. When Mater didn't want to remove his dents because he said they are good memories.:)

I agree completely. Im not going for show car here. I prefer the survivor look. Unfortunately it was too far gone to not fix. So, I am going for original appearance. (Including the hub caps O:)) If I could have a '75 that looked like it did around 1980 after 5 years of normal use, that would be ideal. Not interested in running a buffer every weekend.. Might go with base / clear on the paint, just because it is metallic, and I have read that today's single just doesn't do well for metallic. Although I did use 2 coats single in the bay and it's not bad. So, would probably need 3 coats, but I will have more coats than that with B/ C anyway. This is a DIY driveway job all the way.